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Water Gardens 101

Water Gardens

Serving Southeast Michigan

A healthy pond doesn’t just happen. It’s created and maintained by you. Imagine seeing your fish thrive, your plants flourish, and your, Southeast Michigan area pond water turned crystal clear! We know ponds, and we’re here to help you be the best pond owner you can be. You can achieve that kind of pond by understanding the five elements of a healthy pond: filtration, aeration, aquatic plants, healthy fish, and beneficial bacteria.

There’s more to keeping your garden looking great than spending plenty of time in it during the spring and summer months. If you can dedicate more time and focus on your garden when the temperature begins to drop, then you can improve your chances of having a livelier and more vibrant yard when spring rolls around again.

Have Questions or Would Like a Quote?

Call us 586-336-7663 or schedule a pond side visit.

Have Questions or Would Like a Quote?

Call us 586-336-7663 or schedule a pond side visit.

Filtration - Keeps water clean, healthy and safe.

There are two types of filtration: mechanical and biological. Mechanical filtration involves the removal of visible solids like leaves, floating debris, and fish waste. Mechanical filtration is often done by skimmers, filter brushes, foam pads, and other tools. Biological filtration eliminates invisible waste (excess nutrients) by introducing a living tool – aerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria attach themselves to surfaces (rocks, plants, filter media, etc.) and eat away excess nutrients.

Aeration - Promotes pond and fish health.

Waterfalls and fountain sprays alone cannot produce enough oxygen but aeration systems like the CrystalClear® KoiAir™ and PondAir™ can. Subsurface aeration works from the bottom up, circulating water and increasing dissolved oxygen levels. When the sun goes down, fish and plants both use dissolved oxygen in your pond water. By providing subsurface aeration, oxygen levels stay high all day and night. Aeration is also great for freezing climates. Running an aerator and a deicer together cuts your electricity costs and keeps a hole open in your pond.

Aquatic Plants - Natural algae control.

Aquatic plants are a key part of a balanced pond. They feed off “processed” fish waste and help reduce algae blooms. Fish waste (before it goes through filtration) can be toxic to aquatic life. However, once filtered, fish waste becomes fertilizer, which can be consumed by plants and produce exceptional plant growth. Approximately 40-60% of your pond’s surface area should be covered in plants. This is extra important if your pond is in direct sunlight most of the day.

Fish - Add color and excitement.

Your filtration system must be the proper size to handle your fish population. Fish naturally multiply and grow. The more fish, the more waste, so fish loads must be controlled. General rule? With standard filtration and 60% plant coverage, allow 1-2 koi or 2-3 goldfish per 200 gallons of water. If you need help figuring out how much filtration your fish need, give us a call!

Beneficial Bacteria - Natural treatments for a balanced pond.

Using natural treatments, such as those found in The Pond Guy DefensePAC®, aid in keeping your pond balanced and happy. The DefensePAC is designed to keep a Southeast Michigan area pond’s ecosystem perfectly balanced by breaking down waste, removing excess nutrients, and maintaining clear water.



Let us do the work for you – The Pond Guy has licensed applicators familiar with common aquatic weeds and is equipped with the right pond care tools.

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